Celebrating a Master Psychotherapist – A Festschrift in Honor of his 70th birthday

Jack Lee Rosenberg was one oft he most innovative psychotherapist in America.

He was the founder of Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) and director oft he Central Institute of IBP in Los Angeles. This Festschrift presents the story of a pioneer in body-mind psychotherapy.

„So it seems, the secret in windsurfing is not how to stay up, but mastering the art of getting back up when you are down. What a great metaphor für mental health!“ – Jack Lee Rosenberg

„Above all, Jack has a gift for recognizing truth. He is able to understand and identify what works in psychotherapy and spiritual practice. He has been able to integrate the effective aspects of Psychoanalysis, Object Relations, Gestalt, Reichian, Self Psychology, Bioenergetics, Transpersonal Psychotherapies, Yoga and Eastern theories and practices.“ – Beverly Kitaen Morse

„Jack has often stated that the emphasis of theory in IBP is on the I (Integrative) – that IBP is an eclectic approach. It’s unique and effective qualities don’t come as much from new theories but in how therapies but in how therapists can use it to combine many diverse psychological theories and techniques of healing in one system.“ – Andrea Rosenberg Juhan

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Autoren: Theodor Itten, Markus Fischer